As the weather gets hotter, and we do more outdoor activities, such as hiking, sports and yard work, our bodies require more water and minerals (electrolytes). Every move we make, we use potassium! Take your potassium supplements, and eat potassium rich foods, such as Avocado, potatoes with their skins, dark leafy greens, beans, squash, seafood, citrus, tomatoes, celery, pistachios, kiwi – just to name a few. Also, try Green Herbs Nutri Tone, Super Minerals, and Super Green to add rich mineral nutrition to your supplement program.
Don’t forget: You must have minerals to properly absorb vitamins.
Keep your immune system healthy~
DON’T eat sugar and drink pop and other sugary beverages. We are seeing a variety of people with viral illness. Try Green Herbs Bio Oxidant, System Boost, Ultra Boost Pack, Suma Plus, or Nutri CFC, Syn Clear, Goldenseal, or any of the anti viral formulas, really do work. Vir L I for colds, Vir L II for stomach flu & Vir L IV for any of the above. You really can’t go wrong with any choice you make of our high quality, filler free formulas.
We should soon have our profile available to fill in and email, but until then, give us a call 1-888-765-4372 and we will mail, fax or email a copy for you to fill out.
Take charge of your own health!
Be proactive in making healthy choices of diet, fluid intake, exercise, and choosing great supplements from The Green Herb.