Along with the cooler weather as we head into Fall and Winter comes the inevitable flu season. We have been dealing with COVID throughout 2020 (a gift from 2019) and so combating viruses is fresh on all of our minds. At New Genesis Health, one of our top Green Herb brand sellers is Nutri CFC a formula for such a time as this.
With 12 different herbs, known to have immune supporting properties, Nutri CFC might just have something for you! The Center for Disease Control (CDC) estimated that over 35 million people in the United States got sick during the 2018-2019 flu season[1] in two waves of viruses. We receive almost nightly reports of the effects of COVID. The need for precaution is very real.
Now for the good news. Those 12 herbs in Nutri CFC have been carefully selected and included because they have a reputation for good. Take Echinacea Angustifolia for example (yes, take it!), also known as coneflower, snakeroot, scurvy root, black susans, and hedge hog, it is a perennial that is native to North America. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that it is still the most widely used medicinal plant of the Plains Indians. It was used to fight everything that bit you, literally. The early settlers used it as a treatment for themselves and for their livestock as well. It is widely used today as an immune-stimulant.
Then take sage leaf (Salvia), part of the mint family actually, is also native to North America and used by indigenous peoples. Its seeds are known as chia. Yes, chia seeds – you know, the ones you can sprout on those clay animals so they have green leafy “hair”? All grown up, the leaves and stems can be used in many ways. Of course for our purposes here, we are focusing on a variety of ailments. With sage, it sounds like you can be clean inside and out!
Let’s look at one more ingredient in Nutri CFC, mullein leaf (Verbascum), also known as Aaron’s rod, Adam’s flannel, beggar’s blanket and a few dozen other interesting nomers. Unlike the two ingredients above, this herb is not native but was introduced into North America.
Well those are three of the 12, and those three alone are enough to convince me! O.k. I was convinced already. Are you?
If so, Nutri CFC is available here on our website and in our store in Wheat Ridge. We are doing our best to help you in your effort to stay safe, healthy and whole!
[1] https://www.cdc.gov/flu/about/burden/2018-2019.html